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May 10, 2018

Going Green with Modular Construction

By Derek Henderson

We all care about Mother Earth – and we try to be as environmentally sound as we can be so we can all enjoy her for generations to come. Modular construction has always been a “greener” way to build than traditional construction methods. In this article, we are going to explore some of the ways that by choosing modular construction for your next job will be the greenest choice for the environment

Site Waste: When you are at the job site, its inevitable that things will go wrong and you must use more materials than you planned on originally. By using modular construction, you can reduce your site waste by 5% or more – working in a controlled environment allows you to know to use the right number of tools to get a task done. And waste is easier to segregate and recycle in a plant environment. Not only do you help the environment but you can also save some money too!

Line-cut material: Both the HSS and roll-to-order studs used in Z Modular buildings are cut to length online, eliminating the production and disposal of “offcuts”. Likewise, interior finish materials, tiles etc. that are CNC cut can be nested efficiently, minimizing waste.

Recycled and recyclable: Steel is the most recycled material on earth and the HSS industry is noted for its extensive use of recycled steel. The steel used by Zekelman Industries to produce the HSS used in the frames of a Z Modular building is composed of an average of 6.8% – 56.9% post-consumer and 0.4% – 5% post-industrial steel.  The VectorBlocs themselves are made of 100% recycled steel, such as punchings, which are sourced from steel processors near the foundry. At the end of the building’s life, the steel, drywall and MEP components can all be recycled, in a factory environment.

Greener Materials: In addition to limiting site waste, modular construction can help in the selection of greener materials. Using highly recyclable material can help buildings achieve a LEED status you want for your job. Off-site construction can be situated near several manufacturing facilities where materials come out of – the distance your products must travel impacts what LEED rating you get.

Construction footprint reduced: When you use traditional construction methods, the surrounding neighborhood is disrupted for long periods of time and taking over more space than you might need. This can cause you to have to alter travel plans to and from given areas since streets might be blocked off for extended periods of time. Using modular constructions reduces that foot print – since everything is built offsite, you don’t disrupt the lives or the environment of your fellow citizens for an extensive period!

Flexibility: If there was a need to change something with a building after it is installed at the jobsite, the modular building can be disassembled from the site and repurposed somewhere else so you don’t have to create a new space. VectorBloc-based buildings are not just robust, but also very easily dismantled and relocated, opening new options for extending the useful lives of the materials used.

Interested in going green with modular? Z Modular can help you achieve your green status.